Welcome to 

Desirable Tomorrows
International Conference

April 29, May 3, 4, 11, 18, 25, 31, June 7 2021


Click here to access the live streaming (BRT - Brasilia Time Zone)

Presentation – UFRJ’s Pro-internationalisation (PRINT)

UFRJ’s Pro-internationalisation (PRINT) program serves to extend the university’s reach and impact locally and globally. We research in order to learn and teach; we generate and share knowledge locally and internationally to serve society, locally and globally. We strive for desirable tomorrows; it is our reason for being. These desirable tomorrows are based on plans made yesterday and actions taken today. This event is a chance to share and discuss our findings and to improve our knowledge. The city of Rio de Janeiro and UFRJ are globally renowned for their contributions to the promotion of health and sustainability, as exemplified by Rio-92, RIO+20, the United Nations Sustainability goals, and UNESCO’s One World One Health policy. Funding through the government’s CAPES, PRINT initiative has created the opportunity for our postgraduate programmes to collaborate domestically and to support pure and applied research that promotes sustainability internationally.

Our medical school has 200 years of experience in research and teaching doctors and nurses to deal with neglected and emerging tropical and sub-tropical diseases. UFRJ in collaboration with international partners is at the forefront of Zika, dengue, and COVID-19 research in the desire for One World One Health.

Brazil is home to the Amazon Rainforest, 25 percent of the world’s mangrove ecosystems, the Atlantic Rainforest, the Cerrado, and immense coral reefs and all of the associated biodiversity and biotechnology. UFRJ encompasses: The Botanical Gardens, The Natural History Museum, hospitals, numerous campi. Their combined research, teaching and outreach programs make UFRJ a global guardian of health, biodiversity and sustainability. In numerous partnerships with Petrobras, the university supports and promotes sustainable energy production increasing green energy component in the overall matrix. Brazil is an agricultural powerhouse and scientists at UFRJ in partnerships with Embrapa lead agriculture research in plant genetics to increase productivity and resilience to climatic change. UFRJ scholars collaborate directly with Embrapa and international partners on research to help eradicate poverty and hunger globally.

More than fifty postgraduate programmes at UFRJ answered the CAPES PRINT call, 70 percent of which are rated as international and excellent. UFRJ, in partnership with the Ministry of Education/CAPES is helping Brazil meet its scientific goals. Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, UFRJ has been a hub for companies and international governments to seek partnerships in order to save lives and improve disease outcomes.

PRINT will deliver increased international mobility, collaboration, visibility, quality, and impact. We are happy to share narratives of what our research staff and students have been doing with partner institutions around the world to bring about desirable tomorrows. PRINT will be presented in four sessions with six short presentations and discussion in each session. We hope you will enjoy being at the cutting edge of knowledge and international research collaboration.

Colégio Brasileiro de Altos Estudos - UFRJ
Fórum de Ciência e Cultura - UFRJ
Capes Print