Ethel Pinheiro is Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Architecture of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2020-2021). Architect and Urban Planner, Associate Professor of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism / UFRJ (enrolled in 2006). Graduated in Architecture and Urbanism from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (2001) - having graduated with Magna Cum Laude. Master in Architecture (2004) and Dr. in Architecture (2010), both from the Graduate Program in Architecture - Proarq / UFRJ. She coordinated the Editorial Commission of Proarq / UFRJ (2014-2019) and works as Chief Editor of the Journal CADERNOS PROARQ (since 2012). She worked in the Adjunct Coordination of the Direction Staff of the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at UFRJ as Press Coordinator (2014-2018) and Coordinator of Final Graduation Studios (2018-2019). She works as a permanent professor of Proarq / UFRJ and is associated with ENSA-Grenoble through a technical-scientific cooperation agreement signed between Proarq / UFRJ and the foreign institution. She acts as an Ad hoc reviewer in funding agencies, in addition to being a member of diverse Scientific Committees in indexed Journals. She is an advisor on several Evaluation Committees (FAPERJ, FAPESP, Fundo Mackenzie) and has accumulated prizes in architecture competitions, having dedicated years of professional experience in executive projects and scenography. Her experience in the area of architecture is led to representation, with an emphasis on urban space planning and design, coded drawing, design / observation drawing and architecture theory, currently addressing the following topics in academic research: urban environments, urban design, memory, perception of the environment, contemporary city and urban culture.