She is full Professor at the Department of Applied Informatics of the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO). She holds a Ph.D. degree in Engineering, from Stanford University (1992), specialized in Artificial Intelligence, M.Sc. degree also from Stanford University (1988), and an engineering degree from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1983). She was a visiting scholar at the Carlos III University in Madrid (2015), at the Sloan School of Business (MIT) (2013-2014), at Stanford University (2002-2003) and at the XEROX-PARC research center (1991-1992). Previous to UNIRIO, she was a professor in the computer science department of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) from 1994 to 2017. At UFF, she created in 1996 and coordinated, from 1996 till 2017, the ADDLabs, an R&D lab in applied Artificial Intelligence. At ADDLabs, she developed, with herteam, 30 R&D projects that lasted from 2-3 years each. Most of these projects were deployed in companies and are still in use, proving the added value of using artificial intelligence to help people to solve complex problems in partnership with industry, especially the oil industry. She has advised 36 M.Sc. and 11 Ph.D. students. She has published about 180 papers in indexed conferences and journals of AI and HCI areas. She has solid training in artificial intelligence, collective intelligence, and human-computer interaction, developing applied multidisciplinary research. She is deeply committed to developing AI research that improves the well-being of society. Her current research interest involves AI Ethics.